Author name: Kevin

Bidding Software For Construction: What, Why and How


Bidding Process For Construction Projects

Bidding for construction projects is one of the main ways that general contractors, sub-contractors and material suppliers make their way into the most profitable projects. Without this step, it would get extremely difficult for newer construction-related businesses to enter the commercial development market. Although earlier, bids were often made on paper, the way we do business has evolved. Now that bids happen via email or online channels, it may be time to re-evaluate how we create project proposals in the first place. Microsoft Excel or Word files just don’t cut it anymore. It’s time to look at and understand why you should start using specialized bidding software.

What Bidding Software Should Do?

Bid management software is essentially programmed to create an automated and streamlined bidding process by helping bidders create and submit construction project proposals. Bidding software can usually create custom stylized templates, help you keep track of your bids and projects, create visibility and reliability for you. From Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to Requests to Tender (RTT), bidding software provides common ground for owners and bidding parties to build relationships during the bidding process. Essentially, bidding software should be able to take your project proposal creation process online and virtual. This works especially well if you’re working with a remote project estimation service like us.

Why Use of Bidding Software?

You may be thinking about why you need to switch over to bidding software in the first place. Surely Excel works just fine? For one, spreadsheet processors aren’t automated and integrated software. Bidding software offers you the opportunity to take all of the components of a project proposal and work on them simultaneously. Over time, you can even build a robust history on the software, allowing you to refer to inventory archives for cost estimation and takeoffs. More importantly, owners can look at your profile for an additional edge that can win you a bid. Bidding software has a half-mind of its own, which is why your life is so much easier when you use bidding software.

How to Use Bidding Software Efficiently?

There are a few ways you can start using bidding software efficiently and accurately. First, make sure you build up your inventory to ensure that the estimation and takeoffs later will be accurate. Second, take some time to ensure your whole team knows how to use the software. Without a trained team, your use of bidding software is likely to be sloppy. You should also try and get software that will help you after the bid as well. Tracking, reporting and request features for the duration of a project are very useful. Lastly, integrating estimation software is the key to using bidding software. When you work with us, for example, by integrating our software with yours you can allow for the reports we create to automatically become part of your bid. Contact us today for a consultation on your next bid and we can help advise you on reliable software as well. From structural steel and lumber takeoffs to sitework and masonry estimation, we provide detailed estimation services for general and subcontractors as well as suppliers, owners, managers and engineers.

Becoming a General Contractor: A Basic Guide


How To Become A General Contractor

Unlike subcontractors, architects, engineers or developers, general contractors have to be on top of every single aspect of construction. The basic difference between general contracting and other kinds of roles in the industry is that general contractors have to know how to plan for and execute all the smaller segments of a commercial or residential project. However, if you feel like you have the ability to manage and understand all the complexities of being a general contractor — you should persevere. After all, half the daily work of being a general contractor is knowing how to manage different teams of workers and that only gets better with practice.

Prepare for and Pass the Exams

Before you can actually start working as a general contractor, you’ll need to get your license to do so. This means that you’ll need to first do a quick search on the license regulations in your state, city, or county. This will give you enough information about the exams or tests that they expect all general contractor license applicants to pass. In general, you should be prepared to be tested on having sound knowledge of contracts, the relevant legislation, risk control, business and financial management as well as technical knowledge of construction.

Create a Realistic Business Model

What counties or cities will you provide services in? What will your financial model look like? Will you do commercial projects or residential ones? Will you do remodels or new construction projects only? These are all questions you should be asking yourself, now that you’ve decided to take this step. Create a pricing plan, outline all the services you want to offer and don’t forget to make a business growth plan as well!

License Bonds and Insurance

In most states, license bonds and business insurance are compulsory before you can launch your business. License bonds are a guarantee that you’re bound to follow all the regulations for general contractor work, which is different from performance bonds (which are project-specific). Getting robust business insurance policies are also important because of how messy general contracting gets. Your workers, affiliates and clients will all want to know you’ve acquired business insurance before they work with you.

File for a License

Filing for a license can look different for every state. However, you’re usually required to submit a filled application form, an ID copy, exam results, possible background checks, financial documents and proof of your bon and insurance. However, consult with a friend in the local industry or the license office for your specific requirements.

Create a Name in the Industry

Once you’ve acquired all the paperwork, you’ll need to start getting the word about yourself out there. Start networking with suppliers, subcontractors, real estate agents and more. Making bids, for example, is a good way to get your toes wet. Just remember to enlist the help of an expert commercial and residential project estimation service like us to get your bid proposal prepared efficiently. At Remote Estimations, we provide all levels of cost estimation, from sitework and masonry estimating to structural steel and lumber takeoffs. Contact us at +1 (630) 20999-6501 to schedule a meeting with us today!

How to Ensure Cost Efficiency in Construction Estimation


What Is a Cost Efficiency in Construction?

Cost efficiency is a useful tool in ensuring you’re making the most use of resources. When you embark on a construction project, one of the priorities is saving money by performing tasks efficiently. Careful and thorough planning is the first step in ensuring cost efficiency in construction estimates. Here are some other steps you can take to increase profitability and minimize losses:

Communicate With the Sellers

Regular interaction with your buyers will increase your knowledge of construction material costs. If you don’t know what cement, bricks, steel and other material costs, you’d never be able to make a cost efficient-estimation. Thus, when it comes to product costs make sure you’re on the same page with the sellers. This will help you make realistic estimates, which won’t have to be altered after knowing the market prices.

Keep Labor Costs in Mind

Labor plays as crucial a role as construction material in a building project. Neglecting labor costs is the gravest mistake you can make. Make sure that you add the quantity of hourly rate for your labor and make an estimate on how long they’ll take to complete the work according to your experience. It’d also help to be mindful of the fact that not every labor personnel will charge the same. Depending on the job, you may have to hire a sub-contractual worker or a remolding temporary worker who may have different rates. Furthermore, in addition to labor wages, consider government and state finance costs.

Use Unit Cost Estimating Method

While stick estimates are a simple way of estimating costs, unit cost estimating method is the quickest and most precise method of assessing prices. The unit cost estimating method considers all details for the activity and joint unit cost for each detail. Once you’ve gathered all the numbers, this method gets them checked by construction experts.

Survey Your Subcontractor’s Statement

Your subcontractor may come up with a different estimate than yours. It’d help you to compare all estimates and make the necessary adjustments. Don’t make the mistake of simply choosing the cheaper one. Your subcontractor’s point by point estimate may just as well be the most affordable one over the long haul.

Don’t Be Afraid to Get Help

If you want precise estimates that’ll help you carry out the project optimally, reach out to Remote Estimations. We’re a professional cost estimation firm that provides site work estimating, masonry estimating and structural steel estimating services for general contractors, sub-contractors, engineers and architects at fantastic rates. Request a quote today!

Concrete Building Cost Estimation Insider Tricks


How Does Concrete Estimating Services Make Construction Easy?

Concrete estimation is one of the most crucial aspects of construction cost estimation. Experienced contractors know that they’re two ways of receiving concrete on the job; readymade concrete or concrete mixed on the site. The former is the easiest to handle; you can give the concrete preparation company your requirements for cement type, quantity, and strength, and they’ll create your desired product. However, while working on large-scale projects and sites that are away from the concrete supplier, it’s best to create your material in the field. Doing so will require in-depth workings of the size and number of batch plants, cement quality, materials needed, and water ratio. Here are some tips from the experts in the field to help you make accurate concrete estimations:

Review the Specifications In-Depth

To understand how much concrete you need, you must have an idea of where it’s required. Consider all the walkways, floor slabs, and footings when making a list of the requirements. You should have a clear idea of including the type of concrete used, its strength, color, and special testing requirements.

Compare the Drawings and Specification Requirements

Once you’ve created the list of specifications, go through the construction drawings to match the items marked with your requirements. If you find any discrepancies, it’s best to contact the designer, engineer, or architect of the project to resolve the problem.

Consider Concrete Forms

One of the primary aspects of concrete estimation is selecting forms that are optimal for the job. Keep in mind that you should have enough forms to use for erections and include the costs for their quantities. The unit for estimating forms is total square feet. And don’t forget to add the costs for labor and concrete placing crew and equipment.

Review Major Components Separately

While developing concrete estimation, you may make the mistake of involving all significant components under one banner. However, it would do you good to consider each of them individually since they’re not a part of the same unit rate. Some concrete estimation features include reinforced steel, top surface finishing, formwork, and accessories, including high chairs, bar ties, tire wire, and beam and slab bolsters.

Get the help you need!

Since each project has its own set of requirements, many variables can affect the concrete estimation of a project. Outsourcing your concrete estimation costs will help you improve your project’s efficiency. At Remote Estimations, we consider the various aspects of concrete estimation in multiple projects and develop precise and realistic estimates. Feel free to reach out to us for site work estimating, masonry estimating, and structural steel estimating services for your next project. Call us at 630-999-6501 for more information.

Outsource Construction Estimating Services Benefits For General Contractors


How Does Outsource Estimating Services Helps General Contractors?

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that your project’s entire scope depends on the construction estimates. It’s the robust thread that holds your project planning together, and even the smallest differences can jeopardize your business. Needless to say, the risk is massive. If something goes off way during the bidding process, you may have to break your bank to mend it. However, fortunately, you can now have experts take care of construction estimates by outsourcing the task.  If your team is juggling the crippling workload, it’s high time you reach out to a construction estimating service provider. Here are some other benefits of working with estimation experts:

Focus On Your Core Functions

A contractor has way more on their table than dealing with costs and estimates. Quite frankly, estimation is not even at the core of your job. Managing your team efficiently, investing in improved technology, and keeping up to date with the latest training and advancements in the field is what keeps your business running. By outsourcing construction estimation, you can focus more on your job’s core functions and expand your business. Make sure to work with an experienced construction estimation provider who’ll provide precise estimates.

Cut Down Overhead Costs

You may think that having your proposal team is an effective way of doing business. However, if you combine the overhead costs of software updates, employee wages, building expenditure, and maintenance costs, you’ll realize that you’re spending way more than what you’re getting. Conversely, you can cut down these overhead costs by working with a construction estimating company specializing in providing customized estimates according to project-specific requirements.

Create More Accurate Bids

Let’s face it, the competition in the construction company is cutthroat. You can lose on a bid merely by a few points if you don’t provide accurate estimates. Specialized estimation service providers consider project requirements and create a detailed proposal to get you a competitive edge. They use advanced technology and have new tools and training to make bids that can impress the decision-makers and help you control the budget during project execution.

Reduced Maintenance Hassle

Your new estimation partner will keep an eye on price fluctuations, maintain a database of suppliers, and stay updated with the construction industry’s changing dynamics. This means less estimation work for you and more time to focus on strategizing business functions. Now that you’ve learned about the benefits of working with an estimation service provider take the next step and reach out to Remote Estimations. We provide estimation services for residential projects, including masonry, site work, and structural steel estimating services at fantastic rates. Talk to our friendly customer care agents for more info.

Drywall Installation Cost: How To Find Drywall Contractor For You?


Our today’s round up will be helping you to known the drywall installation cost estimating process. In this article, Remote Estimation LLC have explained all things you need to know before hiring a drywall contractor to estimate the cost of installation, repair, and others.   


1. Drywall Material Costs

Drywall material prices can vary significantly depending on the type of job and the type of materials you choose. Standard 4×8 ft. panels cost about $10, but you’ll find that prices vary depending on the thickness and size of the panel. Other considerations include:

  • Mold and moisture-resistant drywall materials such as fiberglass mats or concrete boards will cost about $20 for each panel
  • Fire-resistant boards are priced about 20% higher than standard panels
  • Drywall mud is used to create a smooth and even texture, but also costs extra.

2. Labor and Prep Cost


This component of the cost depends on the square footage of the site and how much work is required. A skilled professional will ensure a smooth texture on the final surface that facilitates easy paint application. The standard labor cost of one standard-size room is around $900 and might increase if you need repairs, such as popcorn ceiling removal.

Popcorn ceiling removal can be quite hazardous depending on the complexity of the project and requires scraping, taping, sanding, priming, and painting of the ceiling.


3. Drywall Repair Cost


Many homeowners choose to get repairs instead of replacing a drywall completely. The national average to repair a 4×8 ft. drywall panel is $225. The price might vary depending on the material quantity, size of the cracks, and factors such as rot and mold.


4. Remodel vs. New Construction


Drywall installation for a new construction project is generally lower per board or per square foot than a home remodel. During a remodel, drywall contractors often have to work in different areas of the house while different repair projects are being carried out simultaneously. On the other hand, during new construction, it’s much easier to put up a whole wall unimpeded.


5. Minimum Service Fee


Most drywall contractors charge a minimal service fee to meet operating expenses. Even if you need a small section of your drywall repaired, the contractor will still have to send at least one skilled laborer, supply materials and tools, a company vehicle, and bear other expenses associated with the job.


Get Dependable Drywall Estimation Services


When planning a residential or commercial drywall project, there are some costs that even the most experienced contractors tend to overlook. To ensure you get the most reliable estimate possible, reach out to the experts at Remote Estimation.

Remote Estimation offers accurate drywall estimating services that can help you ensure the profitability of your project. For more information about our cost estimation services in the United States, contact us today.


How to Bid a Job as a Contractor


When you’re working as an independent contractor, great bidding skills are a part of the job description. Many first-time bidders incorrectly assume that landing successful bids is about negotiation skills—but the reality is a little different.

How To Calculate Flooring Installation Costs?


Given how much variance exists in flooring costs, it can be a headache for contractors and subcontractors to develop accurate estimates. Most recent statistics show that depending on the material you choose and the scope of the project, flooring installation costs can vary anywhere from $0.4 to $22 per square foot.

For commercial projects that operate on a larger scale and often require various materials, it’s a good idea to opt for commercial estimating services like ours because accuracy is critical to project success in this case.

If you’re a homeowner looking to redo the flooring in one or two rooms, taking out a rough estimate for the job is relatively easier. Here are some things you can consider.

1. Select Floor Material

The first thing you want to determine is the material that you want to use. There’s a wide range of options, including hardwood, laminate, stone tile, carpeting, and vinyl floors. The prices vary significantly between these options, and you’ll find both pros and cons of each.

Hardwood is usually the most expensive option ranging from $6 to $22 per sq. ft. Vinyl, laminate, and carpeting are on the cheaper side, with average prices starting at $3 per sq. ft.

2. Select Material Quality

Once you’ve decided on the material, it’s time to think about quality. Even carpeting that’s generally priced affordably can be expensive if you choose premium-quality options. The thickness of the material and quality factors will affect your overall price.

For instance, hardwood flooring is generally divided into three grades: Clear, Millrun, and Rustic. Clear graded hardwood is the most expensive and starts at about $18 per sq. ft.

3. Estimate Room Size

The next step is estimating the square footage of the room you’re planning to redo. Be sure to add the wall trim to your flooring estimate. Another important aspect to keep in mind is wastage. Even with the most skilled labor on hand, there’s bound to be some wastage when cutting and resizing planks and tiles.

4. Old Flooring Removal

New construction flooring is cheaper per sq. ft. because the work is relatively straightforward. However, if you’re remodeling the house, you’ll likely have to pay extra for old floor removal, which can be quite labor-intensive. In some cases, the subfloor may need repairs or leveling before new material can be placed on top, increasing the cost.

5. Labor Costs

Depending on the project’s size and complexity, labor costs range from $1.5 to $5+ per sq. ft. for flooring. Carpeting, laminate wood, and vinyl planks are generally the least expensive to install. On the other hand, tile and hardwood flooring installation requires special skill and is more expensive to install.

Do You Need Help?

Get accurate residential project estimation services from Remote Estimation LLC today. Our team of experts uses cutting-edge software to give you reliable flooring quotes, regardless of the project’s size and complexity.

For more information about our cost estimation services in the United States, contact us now.

Planning Your Interior Painting Budget




What Are the Different Types of Estimation Technique?

Cost estimation is predicted expenditure of a project which is generally prepared before the project is taken up. It is prepared in different types based on the requirement of project. The construction cost estimates can be prepared either in a detailed manner by taking into consideration item by item or can be calculated approximately without going much into the details. Based on these criterion, there are mainly 8 cost estimates followed in construction:
  1. Preliminary Cost Estimate
  2. Plinth Area Cost Estimate
  3. Cube Rate Cost Estimate
  4. Approximate Quantity Method Cost Estimate
  5. Detailed Cost Estimate
  6. Revised Cost Estimate
  7. Supplementary Cost Estimate
  8. Annual Repair Cost Estimate

1. Preliminary Cost Estimate

The preliminary cost estimate is also called an abstract cost estimate or approximate cost estimate or budget estimate. This estimate is generally prepared in initial stages to know the approximate cost of the project. By this estimate, the competent sanctioning authority can decide the financial position and policy for the administration section. Preliminary estimates are prepared with reference to the cost of similar type projects in a practical manner. In this estimate, the approximate cost of each important item of work is displayed individually to know the necessity and utility of each item of work. The items of work include the cost of lands, cost of roads, electrification, water supply costs, cost of each building, etc.

2. Plinth Area Cost Estimate

Plinth area cost estimate is prepared on the basis of plinth area of building which is the area covered by external dimensions of building at the floor level  and plinth area rate of building which is the cost of similar building with specifications in that locality. Plinth area estimate is obtained by multiplying plinth area of building with plinth area rate. For example if we require plinth area estimate of 100 sq.m in a particular locality and plinth area rate of a building in same locality is 2000 per sq.m then plinth area estimate is 100 X 2000 = 200000. Open areas, courtyards, etc. are not included in the plinth area. If the building is multi-storied, the plinth area estimate is prepared separately for each floor level.

3. Cube Rate Cost Estimate

Cube rate cost estimate of a building is obtained by multiplying plinth area with the height of building. Height of building should be considered from floor level to the top of the roof level. It is more suitable for multi storied buildings. This method of estimation is accurate than plinth area method.  The rate per cubic meter is taken into consideration based on the costs of similar type of buildings situated in that location. Foundation, plinth and parapet above the roof level are not considered in this type of estimate.

4. Approximate Quantity Method Cost Estimate

In approximate quantity method cost estimate, the total wall length of the structure is measured and this length is multiplied by the rate per running meter which gives the cost of the building. The rate per running meter is calculated separately for the foundation and superstructure. In case of foundation, rate per running meter is decided by considering quantities such as excavation cost, brick work cost up to plinth. While in case of superstructure quantities like brickwork for wall, wood works, floor finishing etc. are considered for deciding rate per running meter.

5. Detailed Cost Estimate

Detailed cost estimate is prepared when competent administrative authority approved the preliminary estimates. This is very accurate type of estimate. Quantities of items of work are measured and the cost of each item of work is calculated separately. The rates of different items are provided according to the current workable rates and total estimated cost is calculated. 3 to 5 % of estimated cost is added to this for contingencies as miscellaneous expenditure. The detailed Estimated should consist following details and documents.
  • Report
  • General Specifications
  • Detailed Specifications
  • Drawings/plans – layout plans, elevation, sectional views, detailed drawings etc.
  • Designs and calculations – In case of buildings design of foundations, beams, slab etc.
  • Schedule of rates

6. Revised Cost Estimate

Revised cost estimate is a detailed estimate and it is prepared when the original sanctioned estimate value is exceeded by 5% or more. The increase may be due to sudden increase in cost of materials, cost of transportation etc. The reason behind the revision of estimate should be mentioned on the last page of revised estimate.

7. Supplementary Cost Estimate

Supplementary cost estimate is a detailed estimate and it is prepared freshly when there is a requirement of additional works during the progress of original work. The estimate sheet should consists of cost of original estimate as well as the total cost of work including supplementary cost of work for which sanction is required.

8. Annual Repair Cost Estimate

The annual repair cost estimate is also called as annual maintenance estimate which is prepared to know the maintenance costs of the building which will keep the structure in safe condition. Whitewashing, painting, minor repairs, etc. are taken into consideration while preparing annual repair estimate for a building Source :
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